Communicating with your child to strengthen your relationship

Children are constantly learning which means they often need guidance from their parents about what to do. Human behaviour is influenced by what happens before and after an action or situation, this includes instructions we are given. We do our best to explain to a child what they need to do for a task. It can be easily to slip into habits of saying “Don’t do it like that!”, or “Stop doing that!” or “Be careful!”. Whilst these phrases make sense to us, they don’t tell the child what they CAN do. Below are ways to use positive feedback to enhance your parent-child connection and increase behaviours you want to see.

Praise appropriate behaviour: “Excellent job keeping your hands to yourself.”

Reflect appropriate talk: “I made my bed my myself” “Yes, you made your bed by yourself.”

Imitate appropriate play/actions: If your child is building a fort, build along with them.

Describe appropriate behaviour: You are taking turns with your friend” “You are waiting to ask me a question.”

Enthusiasm: “Wow I love the way you waited your turn!” “I’m proud you shared the game!”