Five tricks to beat workplace burnout

Focus on working in line with your values

What sense of fulfillment does your job bring? How can you set goals to maintain or create satisfaction? How does your role help others? Re-evaluate why you work the way you do can restore purpose and get back on the path to feeling more fulfilled at work.

Clarify expectations and communicate with your team

Reviewing what is expected of you and the tasks within your role can assist in feeling productive in your workday. Once expectations are clear, communicate what you need to complete this to your colleagues, delegation and collaboration can help share the load.

Plan out and organise your daily tasks.

Creating a structure to your day enables efficient task completion and time management. Using planning tools like a numbered to do list, visual representations of deadlines and equipping your space can reduce your mental load.

Move your body.

It is not uncommon for burnout to occur when we tune out other needs. Exercise or regular movement is beneficial across all areas of life. Try some office friendly chair exercises, spend your lunch break outside, join a movement class where your focus is away from work. Shifting the focus to your body allows you to notice your physical capacity for productivity.

Practice managing daily stress.

Feeling stressed often indicates that we don’t have the resources, capacity or skills, right now, to complete a task. What is your stress threshold and resources do you need to cope? Simple stress management tools can be a self-care routine, practicing mindfulness, breathing and relaxation exercises and reaching out to your support network.